Back to School

Time to head back to school in this house, for everyone except ME and OYSTER, the two that probably love school the most.  We sat around and discussed the irony of life sometimes and then had a good laugh looking at our fam on their 1st big day back in the school house.


We prepared them the best that we could.  With back packs that were their FAVORITE colors.

We got a few celebratory photographs to commemorate the occasion.

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Oyster and I tried to get in as much as we could.

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But, that was it.  They were off on their various endeavors. Kyle cried as all Daddy’s girls would at drop off. Camden played it cool with his new Sulley lunch box and red converse high top “Pete the Cat” shoes (last minute decision-didn’t make the pictures). Liam lost a big tooth in anticipation of the big day.



Despite his new lisp, he has established several best friends and the worst part of his day was that he “has to wait until tomorrow to go back to school.” Kyle quickly settled in and ran circles of joy in her new room.  But Camden made his Mommy most proud.  He announced at dinner his enthusiasm for the sight words he would be learning this year.

“She told us one of them is BUT, but not the body part though.” (Hysterical laughter from all males at the table, and maybe Kyle because everything gets her going.) “It’s gonna be awesome.”

Liam chimed in “b-u-t” and they all continued to laugh.  Well done teach, reading is reading in my book!

We all celebrated with the Harlem Shake, back to school style, on the couch—IMG_6904 IMG_6907

A little super baby—- “BEBEBEBEBEBEBE” Kyle screams until Liam picks her up

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Then a big walk/ride to the turtle after pizza.

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Bring it 2013-14 school year.

3 thoughts on “Back to School

  1. Great job Teri – don’t know how you find time to do that blog – but it is a delight for us to enjoy!!! love – mom

  2. Kyle’s outfit is SO ADORABLE! Hahaha. I am in love with her! 🙂 It is crazy how fast they grow up. When we met Liam was a toddler! Insane!!! 🙂

    • I think the same thing when I watch your blog! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE? And that compliment made my day, as it comes from the Mom of the best dressed girl I know!!!

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